My crazy challenge: final update!
Here we are: the end of my crazy challenge with the final update! Now I really know why I did it and it’s such a good reminder!
My crazy challenge: update number 3!
Lots of news today regarding my crazy challenge! Well, it’s been a little while but I tell you why!
My crazy challenge: update number 2!
One month and a half into the challenge and still going! Yay!
My crazy challenge: update number 1!
Alright, here we go: moment of truth! Let’s see how it went after 2 weeks into the challenge!
My crazy challenge: learn Italian in 6 months!
Yep, here I am with another 2020 challenge: learn Italian in 15mn every day for 180 days! Now you might ask yourself “Why in the world would you do that Sarah? Don’t you have enough to do already?”; well, yea, PLENTY! But I love to challenge myself and I’ve been meaning to go back to Italian for quite a while now, so, time for action!