young lady traveling to Paris

8 reasons to learn French

You may be wondering “Why would I learn French?”.
Here are 8 reasons to learn French and how it could benefit you by improving your life and your health!

1. Work

If you’re one of my Canadian Frenchies, you know that French becomes more and more essential here, as it’s a bilingual country. Moreover, with all the companies switching to remote working, learning French can open more job opportunities for you!

2. Travel

Even if English is the international language, a lot of Francophones don’t speak English, so having a French box will help you to communicate with even more people when you travel! And do we have to talk about gastronomy? If you enjoy French cuisine or French wine, speaking French will help you pick the right grand cru!

travel to France

3. Health

Yes, did you know that learning a new language can help you keep brain diseases away? Sarah Lipoff, art educator and parent, has a good way to put it: « Learning a foreign language aides in keeping the brain healthy and boosting brainpower. Learning other languages alters grey matter in the brain, which processes information, just like how exercising creates healthy muscles. ».

So go ahead and boost your brain! Your cognitive health is so important, and no, you’re not too old! It might be tiring at first to learn a new language but it’s a sign that your brain is working, just like you would feel tired after a good physical activity!

4. Interests

Many people start learning French because they just enjoy it: the beauty of the language, reading one of the classics of French literature, singing some French songs, listening to the radio or watching French movies and shows in the original version. So many ways to put some positive vibes into your life!

reading a French book in Nature

5. French touch

Ok, imagine for a second how cool you would look with your friends and family when sentences in French come out of your mouth… Everybody looking at you in awe because they have no idea what you just said but it sounded so beautiful!
Now they all want to know where you learned, when they can go on a trip to France with you to have a glass of great wine and say « tchin » (yes that’s how you say « cheers » in French)!

Well you’ve worked hard to learn it so you’re allowed to show off a little bit with your very own French touch… 😉

6. Self-confidence

Learning a new language can help you improve your self-confidence when you see all the progress and new things you can do using this language, like eveything I just mentioned!

oh yeah she rocks!

7. Not like school

A lot of my students told me that they were afraid to go back to learning French because of their bad experience at school. I can tell you that at least with me, at Sweet French Learning, it’s not like school: you won’t have to sit all day long, I won’t ask you to stay silent because I believe I’m the only one who knows what we’re talking about, you won’t be punished if you don’t do your homework, you won’t have grades, I won’t shame you if you make a mistake, you don’t even need to ask permission to go to the bathroom! You will always have support, you will work with others if you take a group class, you can ask all the questions you have and I will do my best so that you leave every class with a smile on your face! We take this journey together to reach your goals. Just like everything else in life: don’t let a bad experience stop you from doing something you want to do!

8. Meet new people

I’ve seen friendships happen and I’ve even seen young people fall in love thanks to French classes! Now I’m not telling you that you’ll find your new husband or the partner of your dream thanks to my classes but who knows?!

Maya Angelou says « Il y a peut-être un ami qui attend derrière le visage d’un inconnu…« , which means: there might be a friend waiting behind a stranger’s face… 🙂

So after these 8 reasons to learn French, you want to give it a try? Reach out to book your free meet and greet; I’ll be happy to chat with you! 😉